It’s not my first time,
This bloom within my chest,
A seed so small, now sprawling,
Turning calm into unrest.
Should I hold it tightly?
Or let it freely grow?
Its roots dig deeper daily,
Yet where it leads, I do not know.
The petals ache with beauty,
Each color speaks of pain,
If I grip too hard, they crumble,
If I let go, they reign.
This seed, a gift—or accident—
From hands that brushed my own,
Did you mean to plant it?
Or was it tossed, unknown?
Day by day, it changes,
Its whispers fill my mind,
A garden growing wildly,
With peace I cannot find.
But maybe in this chaos,
The flower tells me true:
That every bloom holds choices,
And all the roots lead to you.
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Kalau ada yang ga bagus tolong dikasi tau ya, biar penulis bisa menyempurnakan tulisannya :)
kalau ada ide lanjutan cerita juga di terima...
Makasih :D