Contoh puisi bahasa inggris "Poetry Another Story at Sunday Night"

Hello guys, This is not the first time I write poetry other than Indonesia language. Previously, I had wrote a poem in Japanese language and some in English since junior high school. Although my english is so bad, I brave my self to share to you guys, my poems in English. I didn't use google translation to make this hahahaha. Like usual a poem rhyme at the end, then this poem too . Do not see the letter at the end, but speak loudly. Enjoy :)
puisi bahasa inggris, poetry

Another Story at Sunday Night

This is night
i saw my face
heart feel sad
full of tears

you are gone
from my world
heart so alone
actually broken heart

tomorrow is monday
i wanna passed away
can't see you day by day

can you come back
like dream to see you again
like a sorrow attack
my life just full of pain

and tomorrow is monday
i wanna passed away

to waiting you
in heaven i will do

Thank you for reading my poem!

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Kalau ada yang ga bagus tolong dikasi tau ya, biar penulis bisa menyempurnakan tulisannya :)
kalau ada ide lanjutan cerita juga di terima...
Makasih :D
