366 Hari Bersajak - 2. Take off

366 Hari Bersajak - 2. Take off

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It's a beautiful morning for mourning

Every time I scroll to found my darling

There is only a photos and videos to crying

A bunch of heartless people show a magic from charming to nothing

Birds serenade, a melancholy tune

Nature's lament, beneath the crescent moon

It's a beautiful morning, a paradox born

For in the joy, there's a hint of forlorn

We laughing then remembering

While crying cannot change anything

The rhythm persists, a heart's heavy song

A plea for peace, where innocence belongs

Even don't know anything yet to gone in core

Palestinian children, their future implore


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Kalau ada yang ga bagus tolong dikasi tau ya, biar penulis bisa menyempurnakan tulisannya :)
kalau ada ide lanjutan cerita juga di terima...
Makasih :D
